A Dollar Makes A Difference
There are not nearly enough of us who know exactly where our donation dollars go. That can also keep some from donating alltogether. Well we want to change least here. Below is how your dollar effects our goals. Click the "Make A Donation" link at the bottom of this page to give a one time or to start a monthly donation of any amount.
Signing up to donate one dollar a day ($30.00 per month) goes toward the cost of:
Internet access per month
Insurance on the student HD cameras
Fuel to visit locations where the workshops will be free for children
Class snacks at locations where the workshops will be free for children
Marketing material
Monthly web hosting and website management
Microphones, headphones, monopods, tripods, editing software
Laptop insurance
Pays toward the cost of class laptops used for editing workshops with advanced students
Additional staff needed for larger numbers of students
Small salary for facilitator
Class cameras
Yearly domain registration
Notebooks, pens, markers & student T-Shirts
So as you can see.....every dollar goes toward making these workshops free to as many students as possible while using any funds earned during paid workshops such as those held within school districts go directly into the program to offer even more free workshops.